
No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score
And why do we like to hurt, so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here
I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Hey, make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh why do we like to hurt so much?

That's what you get when you let your heart win!

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Now I can't trust myself with anything but this
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

-That's What You Get, Paramore

Thats What You Get - Paramore

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Sunday, April 29, 2007 ( 7:17 PM )

Yesterday was a very busy day. Can you imagine? I have 4 meetings in 1 day. Luckily the venue is near to each other except one of it.

So let me start with the first meeting at Tampines Central Community Complex. It started at 1.30p.m. It was my mentoring meeting. We have a meeting with my committee members. Some could not come because we were told that it was a last minute meeting notice. YES! I agree that the notice for the CONTACT 2007 meeting was last minute. BUT didn't you guys realise that the BUZZ MEETING 5 was suppose to be held on that day? And the notice for that meeting was sent 2 -3 weeks earlier. HOWEVER due to NOT MANY PEOPLE REPLIED TO THE EMAIL, we decided to cancel it! SO WHAT IS THE LAST MINUTE THING ABOUT?

Not only that, during the meeting, one of the committee members who couldn't make it for the meeting, brings up several STUPID ISSUES via one of the committee members who was there. The issues were:
1. Why she and some of the committee members was not inform on the RECRUITMENT DRIVE(RD)?
2. Why didn't the organiser of the Recruitment Drive asks help from her mentors who she was in-charge of? Therefore, she feels that her group was being left out in fact that her group was part of the club.

GUESS WHAT? Your STUPID ISSUES has make the innocent organiser who for the first time handle an event became panic and the WHOLE people in the meeting room was PUZZLED.

Firstly, for your first question, after clarifying with some of the mentors, we soon found out that it was only YOU who did not know about the RD. SO PLEASE, DON'T DRAG OTHER PEOPLE IN... And for your info, emails had been sent to all the committee members on the date of the RD 1 month earlier. However, due to last minute changes by the SAA side, emails on the date of the RD was sent again 1 or 2 weeks earlier TO ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS. So how come you didn't get? In fact I can see your name at the list of people that was sent to.

For your second question, given the fact that he's only left with 1 or 2 weeks to get helpers for the RD, he actually sent email to ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS asking volunteers to help out in the event AS SOON AS he received the notice of the changes in the date for the RD from our advisor. The problem is that, YOU DIDN'T REPLY TO HIS EMAIL. And as was mention in the yesterday's meeting, our advisor said that, since this kind of stuff is voluntarily carried out, those who wanna help, can just help out without having to be asked. I bet those mentors can just see TP-BP Mentors booth located outside the Applied Science school. So JUST STEP UP AND HELP OUT LAH! UNLESS YOU WANT US TO LAID OUT RED CARPET FOR YOU. AND SOME SPRINKLES OF FLOWERS....

I'm so pissed yesterday. We are all OPEN to suggestions and criticisms but I think you should at least do the necessary HOMEWORK before coming out with stupid issues which is just wasting our time. Not only that, that kind of wild accusation will just bring down the morality of the organiser. AND THAT KIND OF ACCUSATION will just show your foolishness. THIS KIND OF THING HAS BEEN HAPPENING SO MANY TIMES! And by the way, if you didn't receive any email from us, GO CLEAN UP YOUR INBOX. Throw away all the shit, so that our email will not bounce back because your inbox are FULLY UTILISED. And please do CHECK YOUR EMAIL REGULARLY. As one of the committee members, you should take the initiative and check your email daily. We can't afford to call you or sms everyone regarding certain stuff. Additionally, I guess you should know that the official communications in any business functions is through EMAIL..

Ok.. After that meeting, I have meeting with the organisers of several events to tell them the necessary stuff that they need to do. And then after that, I have meeting with the TCCC committee members to get the updates of their mentoring session.

And then I went meet SHAMSUL! Long time haven't see him. He's becoming MUSCULAR leh... There's some improvement in his body. GOOD JOB MAN! I just can't wait for time to become a hunky, hotty man... HAHA!

Ok lah.. enough of today's post... CHOW CHIN CHOW! ADIOS AMIGOS!

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Sunday, April 22, 2007 ( 2:02 PM )

Yesterday I went for a wedding function at Woodlands. The food provided is nice. But I think the HOSTS seems to be SYOK SENDIRI (it means something like...HMMMMMMMMM... I don't know.. HAHA! Anybody can explain the term?) They are suppose to TALK and not SING!

In the event, there is this karaoke session for whoever who wants to sing to the bride and groom. So not many people volunteer. Due to that, these 2 hosts decided to sing. I don't mind if they want to sing but please LAH, a few songs should do and not as many as u like... If your voice nice, SING AS MANY AS YOU LIKE.. But your voice mostly out of tune... so SING NECESSARILY. If no one volunteer to sing, you can just play songs with original singer. IT'S FINE..

And the most significant part about the function is, there is this group of TRANSEXUALS who are also invited. I'm not too sure whether they are transexual or not because they have a BROAD GUY SHOULDERS, BREASTS, GIRL'S VOICE, MALE FEATURED FACES, TALL LIKE A GUY.. Hmmm.. What you guys think? They were wearing this sexy kebaya. And they were invited by the 2 hosts to dance in front of the guests who were eating. And guess what song they dance to? DANGDUUUUUUUT! And the funny part is , one of them dance like INUL DARATISTA... HAHAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! For me personally, I don't mind seeing them because they are just human being with human rights. It's just that, when I look at them, it makes me wonder how it will look like when they get older.. I mean, they go for operations to be a women... And once you're done it, there's no turning back... Hmmm... I've seen one VERY OLD TRANSEXUAL around my neighbourhood last time when I was staying at Geylang Serai. And I'm telling you, it's not a good sight..

Ok lah! I want to go library to borrow books on JAVASCRIPT coding.. My supervisor asked me to come out with website for the company's portal. She wants me to use JAVASCRIPT. I was like EXCUSE ME! I know PHP and not JAVASCRIPT! Haiz..What to do? But never mind lah, I think Javascript will come in handy during my final year project...

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Friday, April 20, 2007 ( 9:12 PM )

Its been SOO LOOONG since I last update my blog. Well, I'm very BUSY with my attachment. Can say for this first week of my attachment is quite BORING! My supervisor are very busy this week with her presentation for the monthly meeting. So she can't spent time to teach me on certain stuff.

There is another intern under her. Her name is Jessica. She is from Nanyang Poly and she's going to complete her attachment by this May. She started her attachment earlier than me. She's a nice person. She'll help me a lot. But I think she may find me very annoying because I keep on asking her " IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN HELP?" HAHA!

Since my supervisor need to prepare her presentation on time, she usually asked Jessica to help her out since Jessica had already know how to do it, given that she start her attachment earlier. So I was left alone doing nothing. SO, I usually will go ask Jessica for work LOH! And so, she gave me some stuff to do .. HAHA! Sometimes I feel like I'm SO DESPERATE FOR JOB.. But overall, working in IBM is fun. I was given a free laptop for use during my attachment.

My supervisor also said that by the time her presentation is due, there'll be more work for me.. HAHA!


do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Sunday, April 15, 2007 ( 5:19 PM )

Today, I and my mother went to check out my workplace which is at IBM Singapore Pte Ltd. It is located near Singapore Expo. Can say quite near from my house...

The search for the workplace was such an EXHAUSTING ONE. Probably because we went out around 12p.m to 1p.m where the temperature was so HOT! By the time we spotted my workplace, I ALREADY FELT DEHYDRATED...

Luckily there is a 7-Eleven store at Singapore Expo... So we bought a medium size 100 plus drink. AAAAAAHHHHHH! SOOO RERESHING! HAHA!

Ok lah! I think that's it for today! I have to sleep early today because tommorrow I have to wake up early for my 1st day attachment. I'M SO NERVOUS!!! Hope the working environment there is good. I WISH MYSELF ALL THE BEST! HAHA!

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Saturday, April 14, 2007 ( 7:42 PM )

Today I went to my Uncle's house at Pasir Ris...

His grand daughter's birthday today. Nothing much to do there actually. Luckily my uncle invited a few people only. If NOT, I'm going TO SUFFOCATE of UNCOMFORTABLENESS

And talking about suffocation, I actually did suffocate due to CIGARRETTE'S SMOKE! My cousin, was smoking just beside me where I was seated. Not only one stick! but 5 STICKS ALTOGETHER! I can't do anything except to try to MAINTAIN MY COOL AND JUST, "I NEED AIR! FRESH AIR! CLEAN AIR! PURE AIR! SOMEBODY HELP ME! I'M A PASSIVE SMOKER! AND PASSIVE SMOKING IS MORE DANGEROUS! ARGH!"

During the event, my cousin was asking me to take up this HOME-BASED BUSINESS which requires a little capital and NO SELLING. He showed me the company's profile with several articles regarding the company's successes! IT WAS VERY IMPRESSIVE! The articles shown comes from a very well-known magazines and newspapers. It is something like, you get people to take part in this and then that person will get another person and it goes on and on and the revenue comes from that kind of business concepts. It's kind of interesting but I dunno whether that kind of business concepts are legal in terms of Islamic laws. I just felt something was wrong with this kind of concept although it is proven effective because you don't have to do anything after you find people to take part and the revenue just flows in into your account. But then, while he was introducing to me halfway, my mother decided to go home. So yup, TOO BAD! CAN'T CONTINUE FURTHER!

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Thursday, April 12, 2007 ( 5:01 PM )

Today is ALL ABOUT MONEY! Argh! My internet bill for this month was $210. I SO HATE DIAL UP! I need to get broadband IMMEDIATELY! Any suggestions? Starhub? Singnet? I've heard one of the plans offer free laptop. Which one is it?

Today, I'm sick. I was SNEEZING all day long. And now, I'm having a headache...

Actually I'm suppose to go out today. But due to several reasons including my sickness, the outing was postpone till tommorow...

I can't think of anything to write now...

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 ( 5:42 PM )

Today, I have nothing much to say about. But suddenly, I was thinking of ARMPIT HAIR! haha! Such a good day to think about it..lol!

Anyway, talking about armpit hair, I remembered that time, I was having this conversation regarding this stuff. Some people shave, pluck and wax it. But others just wants it to grow wild under their arms. So when I was having discussions about it, my friend was like, "I THINK ARMPIT HAIR SHOULDN'T BE SHAVE OR PLUCK. JUST LET IT GROW AND DON'T DISTURB THEM. I THINK, ARMPIT HAIR IS A SYMBOL OF MASCULINITY." I was like HAHAHAHAHAHAA! How can a SMELLY, STINKING HAIR under your arm can be symbol of your masculinity! HAHAHAHAHHA! Then like that, those women who let their armpit hair grow wild is actually a TRANSEXUAL is it? Then like that, FOR ALL MEN IN THE WORLD, you don't have to waste your time to go gym and tone up your body. JUST LET YOUR ARMPIT HAIR GROW UNTIL IT STICKS OUT FROM YOUR ASS! And then when you wanna flirt with a girl, you JUST RAISE UP YOUR ARMS AND LET YOUR ARMPIT HAIR DO THE JOB! HAHHAA! Please LAH! GO FIND A MORE CLEVERER REASONS FOR KEEPING YOUR ARMPIT HAIR!

So today, I go search on it since I GOT NO OTHER BETTER STUFF TO DO. I found out this website - http://www.bodyteen.com/dema.html. What is stated there was that:

When you grow armpit hair, " the sweat from the armpit will collect within the hair. In fact, a person with armpit hair will trap 30 times more sweat than a person without it. Within the sweat attached to each hair, bacteria will breed. The waste produced from the bacteria will release the odor we call BO or body odor. Our ancestors found it attractive. However, people today find it very unpleasant, because we associate it with poor hygiene"


Ok! That's all the info that I can give you guys for today. Before I end this entry, one piece of advice, IF YOU THINK YOU ARE CLEAN ENOUGH... THINK AGAIN! RENUNG-RENUNGKANLAH(DO REFLECT ON IT)... HAHHA!

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 ( 4:35 PM )

Today was really an exciting day... I had to wake up at 4.30A.M to get ready to go to my secondary school. I was asked to help out this group of malay dancers for this inter-school competition at NUS. My beloved teachers, Mr Asmadi was in-charge together with Mdm Ann. HAHA! And by the way, cikgu Asmadi, kirim SALAM MENGAMUK to Rafidah... haha!

The most exciting part is that, Hui Ying, Rasyide and Hafidz also helped out! Initially, it was only me and Liyana who decides to help out. But last minute, these 3 people decides to help out TOO. Thanks guys! You guys really SAVE THE DAY! HAHA! And definitely, with 5 of us together, we BECOME THE JOKERS OF THE DAY, thus, helps to reduce the NERVOUSNESS among the malay dancers who were stressed out with the competition...

So, I was given the task to make-up the malay dancers. I only dare to do the FOUNDATION because its quite easy to do. Hafidz, volunteer to do the BLUSHER.Whereas, Rasyide volunteer to be the cameraman for the day. So when I was putting the FOUNDATION on one of the girl's face, she suddenly give me the smile, very LONG smile. So I stopped and asked her why she smile. Then she said, "Nice voice". Then I realised, that she can actually hear me humming songs. SO PAISE! BUT LUCKILY SHE SAID I HAVE A NICE VOICE..HAHA! Why everytime I will forget that people can actually hear me HUMMING! FOR GOODNESS SAKE, ZUHAIRI! STOP HUMMING! But I can't! I will usually hum when I'm nervous! It's not easy to make-up a girls' face OK!HAHA!

Anyway, I like the experience. But TOO BAD because I have to rush to my polytechnic to attend training. I was having too much fun helping out especially with all my HAPPENING friends! I also could not follow the participants to NUS to give them my support. I can only wish them ALL THE BEST!

At 9.ooa.m , I reached polytechnic and attend to class for my training. After the training, I and Nick went to have lunch at McDonalds. Then we go shopping for Nick's office attire at G2000 before we went home...


do you feel what I'm feeling?


Sunday, April 8, 2007 ( 2:21 PM )

Tommorow will be the day where I will know which company I'll be posted to for my attachment. Tommorow will be the SIP launch. It's something like a 1 day course to prepare students for their attachments. Hopefully, I'll be posted to a good one..

Alright! Today is Sunday and I'm not going out today. I can feel the boredom already. I'm still waiting for my tutoring assignment. I hope I get it..

And just now, Cikgu Asmadi ask me to inform BUDAK-BUDAK SAJAK to help BUDAK-BUDAK JOGET for their SYF this Tuesday, like that time we helped them. Korang nak tak? There will be an overnight camp on Monday but not compulsory for the helpers. The purpose of the overnight is that, the competition starts at 8a.m so they have to get ready by 6a.m. I think the overnight is a good idea for the us to meet up and spent time together also. But on tuesday, I'll just be helping out till 8 a.m because I have my SIP training at 9a.m. I'll be learning how to use the Microsoft XP Excel..

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Saturday, April 7, 2007 ( 1:40 PM )

Yesterday, I was watching MUZIKA EKSTRAVAGANZA on Suria. It is a performance show which involved artist from Malaysia and Singapore. And at the same time, Channel 5 was showing A Cinderella Story. So I have to keep on changing channels..

Talking about MUZIKA EKSTRAVAGANZA, what I can say is, I don't like one of the female artist there! What is she trying to show? She is better than the other artist is it? I don't like her especially when she sang other artists' songs. She will usually use high tone and sometimes, she will just go to the extreme and try to hit the Mariah Carey's highest tone, which of course, the songs doesn't require her to do that. But of course she can't make it, so it ended up sounded like a Pontianak's shriek. I don't mind if you want to sing high tone or whatever SHIT you wanna do, but at least have a respect to the original composer and the singer of the songs lah! Unless if it is your songs, than it's YOUR PROBLEM ! Sometimes, a song doesn't require a high tone because it doesn't match with the lyrics. And what I usually observe is that she will try to be the SHOW OFF especially during the finale where all the artists are on the stage where they will sing together. And there, the SHOW OFF ASSHOLE will be shouting at the top of her voice adding the UUUH AND THE AAAAHH to the song. Even SITI NURHALIZA, the well-known DIVA, didn't do that...

And what's with this paticular male artist! He's all over MEDIACORP CHANNELS except SURIA, VASANTHAM CENTRAL and KIDS CENTRAL. He such a OLD HERO lah. Go find an actor more younger and charming to be the hero for a drama. And I don't like his WANNABE BRITISH ENGLISH ACCENT! For goodness sake, I can see you are faking through with your accent. Just be yourself.. And stop with the faces when you are talking in your pathetic BRITISH ENGLISH ACCENT. He's so over-exposed!

By the way, while I was sleeping yesterday, my cat, BOBOY (the one at the right in the picture) woke me up in the middle of the night. He was meow-ing so loudly and he sounds very angry. Then I found out that there was a stray cat outside my house and BOBOY was not please with the cat. So his fur was standing up. I was so scared to touch him because I scared he might attack me. So I woke my mother up to help me out. So my mum slowly stroke his head to calm him down. Then carry him into my sister room and lock him in while we chase the stray cat out of sight. After that, we let Boboy out again. Luckily its Boboy and not NICKIE( the one at the left in the picture). If its Nickie, I think my mother would have been attacked by him already. Nickie was another cat of mine. He's adorable also but he's quite violent and he may turn to be the most dangerous animal around when he saw a stray cat. HAHA! Really! I've been attacked by him quite a few times at the leg. And it really HURTS! But he's been missing since last month. I hope he's not being harmed by heartless people outside there...

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Friday, April 6, 2007 ( 6:42 PM )

Today is PUBLIC HOLIDAY! But I don't give a damn! I've been having holiday since March. Anyway, I would like to wish GOOD FRIDAY to my friends who celebrate it!

Alright, since it is a public holiday, I've made a to-do list for today:
1. Watch Billboard Awards on Channel 5
2. Watch Senario on Suria
3. Watch Ice Age on Channel 5
4. Watch A Cinderella Story on Channel5
5. Watch Muzika Ekstravaganza on Suria

How's That! HAHA!

I just like Public Holiday. There's so much shows to watch!

I actually have nothing much to write today. Ouh maybe I have.. MY LEGS DOESN'T ACHE! I thought it will ache after cycling yesterday.

I really can't think of anything right now. Ok! I have one more.. Aiyah! I forget!

OK then! That's all folks!

do you feel, what I'm feeling now?


Thursday, April 5, 2007 ( 7:20 PM )

Yeah! Today, I went cycling at East Coast Park. The weather forecast reported that today will be a cloudy day. But it turns out to be a HOTTY DAY! I knew I cannot trust on the weather forecast! Nick and Harry was with me. Kian Ming can't able to make it.

We suppose to meet at 10a.m but then we met at 10.30a.m. Not that bad though, but it seems the weather is getting hotter. Then, we rent a bike for 1 hour and get additional 1 hour free. We manage to cycle very long distance and stop for a while at this jetty to be MODELS. We took several pictures..

Then after returning the bike, we went to have lunch at McDonalds. Such a DANGEROUS ATTEMPT. Eat fast-food after exercising. HAHA! VERY UNHEALTHY! Don't try this at home! At McDonalds can! HAHA!

Then after that, we shift place to McCafe to have drinks and just chill out! I was quite full so I decided to buy Limeade to help burns the fat. Hopefully. HAHA! Then we were chatting all the way for about 2-3 hours there. We have so much to talk about.

Then after that, we walked from East Coast to Parkway Parade to go toilet.. HAHA! But we did stop at Samuel n Kevin to just look at some stuffs. After that, we went home..

And today, I and Shamsul had made a plan to go gym once a week. We were discussing through sms. Both of us are going to be the HUNKY MAN! MAJULAH SUKAN UNTUK NEGARA! RAKAN MUDA! TANDAS BERKUALITI! HIDUP BERKUALITI! HAHHAHAHA!

Anyway, today was enjoyable. I LIKE!

do you feel, what I'm feeling now?


Wednesday, April 4, 2007 ( 2:24 PM )

Today, I'm suppose to go cycling at East Coast Park with Nick, Harry and Kian Ming. But due to the weather forecast that reported it will rain today, the plan was cancelled. So maybe we'll go tomorrow then. But still have to check the weather forecast for tomorrow...

And yup. Now I'm at home. Nothing much to do. I'm getting bored and I'm having a headache because too much of lying down. I NEED TO DO SOMETHING! What I can only think of right now is FOOD! That's what I usually think of when I'm bored. Luckily I have a blog to occupy myself with.

I was reading one of my friends blog and her entry reminds me of my problems with my self- esteem. Can say my self esteem now are better compared to the time when I was in secondary school. During my primary school, I have no issues regarding my self-esteem because I was too young to give a damn about it. My self esteem was low mostly due to my image. I'm quite fat when I was in secondary school and I gain more weight until I graduate.

During my primary school years, I look good. Initially I was underweight, until I reach primary 4. Then my weight was acceptable until secondary 1. When I moved to secondary 2, my weight increases and until in secondary 4, I have to join TAF club because I'm overweight. HAHA! During this period where I'm overweight, I've been fighting with my self-esteem. I've been criticised and teased by people. IT HURTS. Duh! I'm a human being and I have feelings. But it depends to a certain extent. Sometimes, they didn't mean to hurt me but just taking it as a joke because I, myself making it like so. I'm not and don't want to be a VERY SENSITIVE person who cannot even take a slightest joke. It really helps when you turn your weaknesses into a joke because you showed to people that you are not going to be affected by such jokes and due to that, people will tend to joke lesser. However, everything has its own limits. I can't accept a criticism by someone who are no better than me. For example, a big fat person criticising me because I'm fat. I mean like "GO FIND YOUR MIRROR LAH DUDE!"

And talking about that, I have a cousin who are about 10 years older than me. He is fat and yet everytime when he came to my house and without fail, he will call me names such as FATTY in front of people. And then, when I reply and said, "YOU ALSO NO BETTER THAN ME WHAT?"(in a politely joking manner) He replied, "NO WHAT? THIS IS CALLED MUSCULAR AND NOT FAT". I was like "THEN HOW YOU EXPLAIN YOUR BIG FAT BELLY? OVERDOING YOUR CRUNCHES UNTIL IT TURNS INTO 1 WHOLE BIG PAC IS IT!"

I don't mind if you wanna joke around with me. But if everytime you did it, it turns to be VERY IRRITATING. Then he also try to be the NUTRITIONIST for the day when he said to me, "THE RICE DON'T EAT TOO MUCH. HALF THE PLATE ONLY. " And during that time, I was about to have my lunch and scooping the rice. Argh! How irritating can it be?

There are also other people with different incidents which I faced that affects me indirectly and directly until my self-confidence became very low. I will feel very uncomfortable being in a crowded room or places, alone. The reason is that, I will feel that this people there will be criticising and looking down at me but who knows, in fact, they are not. Maybe it's just my feelings.

So last year, one fine day, I was thinking about it and said to myself, "HOW LONG AM I GOING TO BE LIKE THIS?". So I analyse the situation. And find the cause of it which is actually my image and weight which makes some people look down on me and thus, cause my confidence level to be very low. So I decided to lose weight to solve this problem and also for my own good. And I did. YEAH! I lost 17kgs in 3 months.

GUESS WHAT? My irritating cousin now no longer criticise me and instead he criticise himself. HAHA! Funny person. But he's losing weight also. I wish all the best for him. And my confidence level had also improved. But there's still more to improve on. It just needs time.

And lastly, I'm glad to have friends who have been very supportive and taking care of my feelings. You guys makes me feel very secure when I'm with all of you. THANK YOU FRIENDS!

do you feel, what I'm feeling now?


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 ( 2:52 PM )

It has been two days that I didn't post my entries in this blog. First reason is that, I've been quite busy searching and editing the codes for this new look of my blog. Second reason is that, for the past two days, I've been going out and reaches home at night. Thus, feeling tired to write entries.

BUT, today, I'm at home and will not be going out. Additionally, my blog is looking good and I'll be changing it every month to ensure that my blog looks fresh and relevant always.

Yesterday was a tiring BUT AN EXCITING day! I,Nick,Harry and Kian Ming went to school to play badminton. We played about 4 hours eventhough we booked the court for 2 hours only. HAHA! What are we thinking! OUR UNCLES' BADMINTON COURT, I guess..LOL! And thanks to that 4 hours of exercise, my body are aching all over now. However, I'm really very happy because its been so long I didn't do any sports. REFRESH! That's all I can say...

Then after that, I,Nick and Kian Ming went for lunch at KFC. Harry can't able to join us because he's meeting his friends. Anyway, what a great way to replenish yourself after doing sports. HAHA! VERY UNHEALTHY! That's all I can say...

After lunch, we went to watch movie - Mr Bean's Holidays, at TM. The movie was very good, funny and interesting. But I'm telling you, MY ASS was so painful. My leg was having a cramp because I can't stretch my leg that much. I keep on fidgeting to find the comfortable position. That's what I don't like to watch movie at cinemas. The reason why I go to cinema because I want to enjoy the air-condition, the big screen and the sound system. If only I can have all that at my house. Hmmm. Anyway, ENJOYABLE! That's all I can say...

After the movie, we all went home. It was an enjoyable day but I think my pocket is going to have a hole soon.. HAHA! FUN! That's all I can say...

do you feel, what I'm feeling?
