
No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score
And why do we like to hurt, so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here
I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Hey, make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh why do we like to hurt so much?

That's what you get when you let your heart win!

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Now I can't trust myself with anything but this
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

-That's What You Get, Paramore

Thats What You Get - Paramore

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Sunday, May 20, 2007 ( 12:15 PM )

Yesterday was a fun yet tiring day! There was a Tea Reception for all committee members under BP Mentoring Scheme. So my committee members were invited. The event was actually to thank these committee members for their hard work in handling this mentoring scheme programme. It was also for networking purposes among other committee members from different schools.

So there was RI, NUS, National JC, Hwa Chong JC, SP, TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC! haha! Ngee Ann Poly.. And there's more.. I can't remember rite now...

Ok so, in that event, they serve us some foods! They serve us Mee Siam, Spring Roll, Tuna Sandwich, Chicken Sandwich and Cheese Sandwich.. And I taste ALL OF THEM... I mean, I have 3 spring rolls, small portion of Mee Siam, and some of the sandwiches... Until one of my committee members, Kelly, asked me, " Are you very hungry?".. HAHA! Yes indeed I'm hungry.. I didn't have my lunch on that day.. By the way, the event was held at Singapore Poly..

So while we were eating we have fun finding people to network.. I bullied Jun Xian and Jia Qi to get all the contacts number of the president or at least one of the committee members from different school.. HAHA! And they got it!!! That's wat I like about them.. Actually the purpose of the challenge is for them to be more OUTSPOKEN and the contacts that they've got is for long-term purposes...

I also did some networking especially with the SP President!! HAHA!!! She's sooooo cute and sweet! And I've taken a photo with her!! She's a Chinese girl by the way.. And you may want to look at how I and her take the photo together.. HAHHA! I LIKE!!!

And the RIs were SOOO ANTI-SOCIAL!!! They were sitting at one corner and talking together among themselves while other school were busy moving around doing some networking. WHO THEY THINK THEY ARE!! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHETHER THEY ARE FROM RI OR FROM ANYBODY'S ASS! THEY DON'T THINK THAT THEY ARE FROM THE BEST SCHOOL, THEY DON'T HAVE TO MIX AROUND WITH OTHER PEOPLE!! FOR ME, THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST PATHETIC PERSON!! Some of the committee members from other school approach them and try to network with them.. For my committee, THERE'S NO WAY, WE ARE GOING THERE LIKE AN ASS AND TRYING TO GET TO KNOW THEM WHILE THEY DID NOTHING TO GET TO KNOW US!!! So we ignore that pathetic ass.. In fact initially I thought they were a bunch of secondary school kids wearing that white uniform.. HAHA!

And during the event, I felt that my committee was the BEST! Because firstly, we bring along our publication secretary a.k.a photographers with us.. HAHA! Idah and Seng Kai.. Thanks GUYS! Other committee didn't bring theirs because some of them don't have one.. HAHA!! So can say, during the event, our committee were busy taking photo with other committee.. Secondly, I found out not most of them had their own Secretary!! So when I introduced my secretary with other committee, they were all SHOCK! They were like, " You have YOUR OWN SECRETARY?".. And I was like, " Yup! Don't you have one also?" And to my surprise, they didn't.. And lastly, I think we have the biggest committee members among other committee.. And can say, they show their shocking faces when I said that we have around 12 members in my committee..

So TP-BP Mentors was not that bad.. GOOD JOB! Haha!

After the event, we all went home. We took the train together, and we talk SHIT!! The train was PACKED like SARDINES!!!! And the sardines include all of us!!! HAHA! And I soon found out that Seng Kai and Kelly were SIBLINGS! For all these while, I thought they were COUPLE!! HAHA! So PAISE to the MAX!!!

We have fun talking SHIT in the train.. I can't believe that Seng Kai and Kelly have a LASER mouth! Say SIBLINGS mah!! HAHA! And Idah can't believe that I can talk SHIT as well! HAHA! Let me say this to Idah..I can talk a lot more SHITTY if I want to.. Don't believe, you can asked my secondary school friends like Rafidah, Hafidz, Shamsul and many more.. I miss you guys!!!! Biler nak LEPAK-LEPAK lagi? haha!

Ok that's all for today! I want to enjoy my weekends.. Ouh! by the way, for your information.. I'm going to start my HEALTHY lifestyle by today onwards!!! On top of my TAGBOARD, there is this section which will show you guys on my progress towards my goal in losing weight and also tone up my body. It will updated weekly.. SO CHECK IT OUT! Haha!! WISH ME ALL THE BEST!!!

do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Sunday, May 13, 2007 ( 1:10 PM )

Yesterday was such a THRILLING and HORRIFYING day! It was like a HORROR MOVIE MARATHON!

I woke up early in the morning to help out in the mentoring event. The event went smoothly. And it was FUN!

Then after that, I went to meet up with my sister and her fiancee at Parkway Parade. But before that I went to the library first to borrow books. Then we took a cab to Causeway Point where we watch a movie called "JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG"(Don't look back). It's a Malay horror movie which is THE BEST HORROR MOVIE I EVER WATCH!!!! It's damn FUCKING SCARY!!!! and I mean SCARY and not YUCKY SCARY... U know when sometimes they uses worms and all that to create the scariness feeling... But for me, its disgusting..I feel that it reaches a point where it beats all other HOLLYWOOD, JAPANESE, KOREAN horror movie that I've watched before. No wonder the film is the TOP in Malaysia. And let me tell you, not only Malays watch it. Indians and Chinese also watched it. There were this group of chinese people sitting in front of me. And some of them was covering their faces with jackets.

Why it is the best among other horror movies?

1. The ghost is not a female which usually most horror movies have. It is a male. But let me tell you, I'm only talking about "his" voice and not his appearance.. I don't want to say anything about it.. You go watch it to find out what I mean..

2. I think its SO COMMON among horror movies to show ghosts with the long hair covering their faces rite? And then after that you get frustrated because they didn't show you what does the ghosts looks like behind the hair rite? But for this film, they SHOW you what lies underneath the long HAIR!!!! And let me
tell you, you would want the ghost to cover his face back with the hair after you see how does it looks like!!! Let me tell you again its NOT YUCKY SCARY!!! It's REALLY SCARY!!!

3. The storyline is so REALISTIC but yet SCARY. It is so real that YOU CAN JUST IMAGINE YOURSELF in that scene. It is not like other horror movie where the ghosts can CRAWL OUT FROM THE TV or USE THE PHONE TO KILL YOU WHEN YOU ANSWER THEIR CALL! The storyline is something that you've heard before but you can't visualise it because maybe the story is not that detail. Don't worry. You go watch this movie and it will help you to VISUALISE IT!!

4. The film uses this kind of concept something like "EXPECTED WHAT IS UNEXPECTED". And this concept that causes me to have the GOOSEBUMPS throughout the show.

So people go watch it! For non-Malays, don't worry. There's a english SUBTITLE provided.

After watching that movie, we went shopping for a while and then went straight home. At home, my future brother-in-law asked me to play the VCD that he bought. It's a HORROR MOVIE also. The title is "POCONG 2"(Shrouded Corpse 2). Again, the movie scared the hell out of us! The movie is something like the movie I'd previously watched.

Then after that, at 10.30p.m, I, my sister and my mum watched "THE EYE 2" on channel 8. But I was so tired and sleepy. Furthermore, the story was NOT THAT SCARY to wake me up. So I went to sleep at around 11 plus.

Then I was awaken by a call from Shamsul at around 1a.m. I thought there's something urgent for him to tell me. But actually it's not. He's actually having a camp somewhere in Singapore and he was bored because he was left alone by his friends. His friends went to Suntec City. So I decided to accompany him on the phone loh.. We chat about 3hours! HAHA! Poor Shamsul. The bill is on him.. lol! I want to help him but I myself need to settle my STUPID INTERNET DIAL UP BILL which now increase by $96 for this MONTH! So I have to pay $256 altogether! So sorry SHAM.. Next time we'll help each other out OK! By the way, I had already asked for termination for this dial-up service. But it can only be terminated by the end of this month.

Ok! That's all folks!


do you feel what I'm feeling now?


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 ( 9:10 PM )

Wah! I’m very busy! Recently, my workload had been increasing. In addition, I was also involved in my mentoring events and problems! Problems are everywhere! Anyway, I kind of like all these tasks because it keeps me occupied and therefore, I don’t have to keep on thinking of FOOD always.. HAHA!

Ok! Let’s see. Hmmm. What to talk about? Ouh ya! I’m actually waiting for my first SIP allowance which is TOMORROW! But I have to budget on my spending. THANKS to the stupid INTERNET DIAL-UP BILL! Luckily, the service will be terminated this 30th May. Then, I also have to pay my handphone bill and also for transportation. Additionally, I need to give some to my beloved parents. Then I also need to do some saving so that I can buy a laptop. AND DON’T FORGET! To keep some for ME! I have so many things to buy. HAHA! I want buy clothes, shoes, pants, cologne and maybe MORE OF IT..lol!

Whatever it is, ONE THING MUST BE CLEAR! I can’t be stingy to my parents. For me, I feel that they have been sacrificing a lot for me and my sister. So now is time for me to do the same thing for them. I really appreciate what they have done for me. I feel lucky to have such caring, responsible and understanding parents.

Ok lah! Let’s talk about mood swings. Don’t ask me why. It just comes to my mind. I HATE MOOD SWINGERS! I’m not referring to mood swings due to PMS or whatever natural causes of it. I’m referring to some people who just don’t know how to control their feelings. Sometimes I wonder why they behave that way. If I want to think in a more considerate manner, maybe these mood swingers are having problems. LOTS OF PROBLEMS AT HAND that they just like to SWING THEIR MOODS everyday, GET ANGRY AT PEOPLE FOR NO REASONS and what so ever. OK! I sympathises you.. But do you realize that if you always experience mood swings and get angry with the same person everytime, that particular person eventually develop his/her ability and potential to also SWING THEIR MOODS TO YOU AND SLAPPED YOU RIGHT ON YOUR FACE! And guess what? When MOOD SWINGERS meet NEW MEMBER OF MOOD SWINGERS = ASSHOLES CLUB! And this ASSHOLES CLUB MEMBERS will influence others! SO BEWARE OF MOOD SWINGERS!

Advice for those people out there who have friends that experience extreme mood swings, please SWING AWAY from them. Try to help them if you are the type who is very helpful. But if it didn’t work out, it’s better that you avoid them or else you’ll get affected for NO REASONS!

Advice for MOOD SWINGERS. Beware of yourself! You might not want to be carried away with your emotions.

“Mood swings are also linked with ADHD and other hyperactive disorders. This is because being hyperactive can cause your emotions to sometimes run wild. mood swings are sometimes a very natural thing that everyone experiences at different times in their life. If you only go through them once in awhile then you shouldn't worry. However, if you begin to go through extreme mood swings and have no idea why, then you should visit your doctor to see if there is a medical condition that is causing you to go through these problems. Severe mood swings can damage relationships and cause friendships to be lost, don't let this happen to you if you are having problems.”

Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Mood-Changes-Causes/172377

Hopefully it will be a good information for all of you!

Au Revoir! (Means ‘BYE’ in French)

do you feel what I'm feeling now?
