
No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score
And why do we like to hurt, so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here
I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Hey, make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh why do we like to hurt so much?

That's what you get when you let your heart win!

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

Now I can't trust myself with anything but this
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa

-That's What You Get, Paramore

Thats What You Get - Paramore

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Sunday, December 23, 2007 ( 1:53 PM )


This week kind of boring week for me. I'm just slacking at home most of the time.. But I did go out. Go out do project with my group members. Then yesterday, go out with my mum to visit my ex-neighbour who is hospitalised. She was quite old already. And she kind of fell down at her house. But thank goodness there's her maid and her daughter at the house when that happen. She broke her hip bones. So she needs to undergo an operation. So yesterday, when we visited her, she had her operations and she's getting better. ALHAMDULLILAH ( THANK GOD ). I really hope she'll get well soon.. To me, she is like my grandmother..

Ok.. I wanna ask you something.. Have you been in a situation when you envy someone else because he/she has the qualities and personalities which overpower you? It's something like, if you put me and him in a group of people, many people will go for him rather than me.. That kind of stuff..

Recently, yes I did.. I dunno wat's got into me.. I started doing things which the main objectives are to overpower him or simply just wants to do things that he did.. FREAKY isn't it! I really dunno.. SERIOUSLY! But soon, I've realised that I'm not being MYSELF! I'm doing things which if I'm being myself, I WILL NOT DO IT! Or maybe I will do it but at a later time and NOT RUSHING! And somemore MY MAIN OBJECTIVES IS TOTALLY HORRIBLE.. How can I do things just to overpower him like there is no other better people in this world who I can compete with.. I mean you have to do things which you like to do and it's JUST YOU! It's the way you are! And not trying to be someone else...

So I've told myself that I'm SPECIAL in my own ways.. In fact, everybody is special in their own ways.. This world is SOOO BIG.. If you envy that person, without you knowing it, there are other people who envies YOU! They won't be smacking your face and say, "HEY, I ENVY YOU!".. And why they envy YOU? Because for them, YOU ARE SPECIAL!

So for you people out there! If you think this guy or gal is DAMN GOOD.. And you want to overpower him or her or do things like him/her.. Think again.. Cause others might not see or feel the same way as you did.. Others might see that person SUCK TO THE CORE FOR ALL I CARE! So imagine, if you want to be like him or her and then you found out that others HATE HIM/HER.. Isn't that pathetic? The reason for this situation is that DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT OPINION.. So why you have to dramatically be like him/her where you can just BE YOURSELF!

So BE YOURSELF! Don't waste your time to overpower others for stupid things..

The main thing is, you must have your own set of GOALS to achieve.. And DO YOUR BEST TO ACHIEVE IT! FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS AND DO WAT INTEREST YOU!

And for personality wise, JUST BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE.. And I mean the POSITIVE personality alrite! The negative one, BE THE WORSE YOU CAN BE.. haha!

But hey! If you want to be involve in HEALTHY competition with that guy or gal like sports or academic wise, GO AHEAD then!

Ok lah.. I hope this inspire you! I'm feeling much better now after I've wrote this.. In fact, I feel much better once I stopped trying to overpower this guy.. SO FREAKY!! FREAKY ME!!

But NOW! ZUHAIRI is back AGAIN people! And as usual my QUOTATION FOR TODAY!

" Be yourself! Drink MILO! Cheers TEAM SINGAPORE!"


Monday, December 17, 2007 ( 9:48 PM )



But don't worry, go take lorry, find Muthusamy, go buy lolly.. HAHAHAHA! So now, here's my new blogskins! NICE RITE! I also put music of my singing some more.. Very exclusive leh.. HAHA! Like real! No lah.. Actually I'm very nervous.. Scared later my voice not nice, then you guys don't want to come to my blog!WAKAKAKA! Please provide with me feedbacks OK! I just like to receive feedback.. Don't care whether its positive or negative feedbacks, as long as its constructive...

First of all.. I would like to CONRATULATE HADY MIRZA FOR BEING THE FIRST ASIAN IDOL!!! WOOHOO!!! YOU MAKE SINGAPORE PROUD MAN!! It was so shocking! Actually I want him to win because he's representing Singapore... Some more, I prefer him than Taufik because I think, Hady's voice is much more better than Taufik.. But when I saw the other idols especially Jaclyn Victor, I was kind of like not putting high hopes for hady.. Some more Singapore population so small compared to other countries.. But when hady wins, I was so surprise and damn happy!! Cool... Who say Singapore cannot win? HEHE!

Now let's move on to other issue.. MY SOCIAL LIFE!!! Frankly speaking, this YEAR 3, I feel like no social life... PROJECT! PROJECT! PROJECT! And then rite, the boring thing is, all of my group members for ALL THE PROJECT IS THE SAME!!!!!!!!!! How BORING CAN THAT BE? It's like " HEY MUTHU!JOHN! AH SENG! LET'S DO PROJECT A".. then, " HEY MUTHU!JOHN! AH SENG! LET'S DO PROJECT B".. then, " HEY MUTHU! JOHN! AH SENG! LET'S DO PROJECT C".. HAHA! Boring lah seh! Balek-balek muka kau.. takde muka lain ke.. HAHA!

Now, I'm having my term break for 2 weeks.. But this 2 weeks is not gonna be a HUHU HAHA kind of 2 weeks.. My group have like 2 project submissions and 1 presentation once school reopens.. So must CHIONG for it...

Ok.. That's all folks! Catch me soon at friendster! I think, I'm gonna register one of these days... So many people demand that I should get one.. You see.. Very difficult to be popular.. HAHAHA! Just joking.. I'm not popular.. I'm just DAMN FAMOUS.. whawhawha!

Ok.. Got to go.. Take care people.. And some new features that I'll be including in my blog will be "Quotations for the Day!"


" Got headache? HERBAL ESSENCE is the answer! Good for you hair!"

* I know it doesn't makes sense rite... I know.. Don't worry.. But again rite.. IT'S MY QUOTATION WAT! SO MY PROBLEM AH! YOU CARE FOR WHAT!!".. haha!